outside my window...
the breeze is blowing leaves around our out door area
i am thinking...
about my family and friends as they head off to Easter Camp, where God will do amazing things in young people's lives!
i am thankful for...
supportive family and friends
what i am learning...
that sometimes even in drastic circumstances things still don't change when we aren't in control
i am creating...
some super cute earrings
i am going...
to make the most of the next 5 days at home with my hubby
i am hearing...
some really bad karaoke coming from somewhere nearby
i am reading...
to be completely honest, I have a book on the go, but I haven't picked it up for awhile
i am hoping...
that the next 16 weeks goes reasonably fast
around the house...
there is quite abit to be done before Baby Smith arrives in 16 weeks
one of my favourite things...
seeing Dan's face light up when he feels Baby Smith moving
a few plans for the week...
its Easter looooonnnng weekend, so time at home, time contemplating on the Easter message, time with Dan, sleep-ins, family....
a snapshot of my life...
my growing bump
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