So lately I've been reading a few blogs and it got me thinking about the people who write some people they don't know who is reading their blog, no one is really keeping them accountable, so they can say what ever they like, they can make themselves to be whoever they want...maybe who they are when they write is who they really want to be, but struggle to be that person around company...I hope when I write my blogs I am portraying the person I really am when you meet me in person (if you ever are lucky enough to do so!!) This post I am going to let you in on 8 things about me...just ask a question if you want to know something else! :)
1. Shella Smith...born Michelle, but prefer Shella as its got a funky ring to it, and Id like to think I have a funky ring to life?!
2. Married to Daniel, ok so I am not the best wife, but I do my can tell you how to be a good wife, i suppose you just journey with that person and learn it. Its about communication and lots of it. Life is tough, Marriage is tough. But I love my husband very much and love the life we have, even with the tough times - where normally it is cos I don't communicate very well...
3. I love being creative..its my frustrates me so badly when I don't have enough time to be creative. It relaxes me, inspires me and I also find this time a time where I can just BE and allow Jesus to speak to me. I think because God is this creative guy is when I am creative I feel connected to Him.
4. I am a Christian, I say that a little hesitantly..but not because I am ashamed, but because the tv/movie world portrays Christians as nerdy, pushy weird people!! Get to know me, the people I go to Church with and you will quickly realise that we are just normal people, living life but we believe in a God who journey's with us each and every step and He guides us in our life path. I struggle with how to put my faith into words - so Im going to try in the next piece about me..
5. My faith in words?! I have a tattoo on my right wrist which says Grace and has a Bible verse underneath it which is Ephesians 2:5. This verse says "while I was dead in my sins, Jesus gave me new life, by Grace I have been saved". For me I made some pretty bad decisions in life, but Jesus still loved me enough to die on the cross for me, knowing I was going to screw up! But because of his love so rich in Mercy and Grace. I can use those things I did, to show others his Love, show others that there is new life through Jesus. Wow I don't know if this even makes sense to you!? Its kinda hard to put it into words....Im not good with words, more with creating!
The word GRACE is huge for me - that I don't deserve it, but I still can be forgiven, I can live for a better world, for a purpose and that purpose is LOVE. To show to love to others who don't feel they deserve it, to those who don't 'fit' in the world/society. To show love to those who are struggling LOVE....we through it around so often...but do we really know what its true meaning is?!
6. I work in an Op Shop for The Salvos. Its great (most of the time). I get to meet so many people from all different backgrounds and situations. Its not something I want to do forever, but for right now it is serving a purpose. I have been there 2 years, grown heaps, and one day it will be time to move on....till then I'll keep on chugging on..
7. I have huge issues with my body! I want to be skinnier, prettier, healthier...the list goes on...all this stuff that I want want want....somedays I am comfortable with who I am (when I don't have to go out the front door!!) but Im trying to Love me for who I am on the inside as a person and not worry so much about my physical stuff. Although I have joined the gym :) but I think we need to look after ourselves too, just not become obsessed!
8. I love to sing!! If I'm driving along in my car on my own, I'll belt out whatever song is on...Im not really one to sing in the shower although I do at times, but Im more of a car singer, and I sing at Church in the band, where we rock out!!!
Thats it for now....I hope it showed you a little more about who I really am!?
1 comment:
i love who you are shella and i'm proud and very lucky to have you as my sister!! xo
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