New year, new pathways! 2012 is taking Dan, Emery and I to Melbourne. The time has come that we follow our hearts and move to Melbourne to study with The Salvation Army full-time for 2 years. Its something we have tried to avoid, tried doing our own thing for so long, but have never seemed satisfied in life. But after much prayer and discussion (not forgetting to mention interviews, assignments and paperwork) we have chosen that this is the direction we are taking our lives. To follow Gods plan for our lives and that we feel is full time Ministry together. Working alongside each other, working in a community, using our interests, skills and fulfilling our dreams as we seek Jesus ways in everything we do. We live to love others, serve others and to bring hope to those who feel hopeless. We live to make a difference in peoples lives by coming alongside them and journeying with them in their everyday lives. We live to bring Jesus to those who don't know about Him and his Love.
The actual move completely scares me, moving away from loved ones who have supported so much in everything we have done so far. Leaving our support network who have actually supported us through some crazy times in the past few years when we felt like throwing everything in. Breaking out of my comfort zone and having to meet a whole heap of new people and allowing them into my little world which I like to keep quite closed (obviously something I am working on).
On the positive I look forward to experiencing new things, wherever we may be. I look forward to being in Melbourne and exploring it finding my new 'favourite' places like I have here in Perth. I actually look forward to studying although at the same time that scares me too. I look forward to living in community, with knowing my boundaries and learning to express them.
So whilst the boxes continue to be packed, the day draws closer that we will get on that plane and begin the next chapter in our lives. I know there will be many tears shed, but I know that we will still have the support here that we've always had as distance doesn't change true friendships and loved ones although sad that we are leaving and still supporting us as they are letting us go, knowing that this is where we are needed.
Hi SHella,
Saw you are leaving Perth and facebook,
hope all goes well and lean on God thru each other
Didn't get to spend huge amount of time together but I always loved the way you worshipped prayed and treated me
love ya xxx
Hey Shella,
Just wanted to wish you Dan and little emery a smooth transition on this next exciting new chapter in your lives, I love reading all your blogs as they are inspiring and interesting.
Although this next step may seem daunting know you have full support from everyone you have met along life's path and will now have more support from the new people you will meet who are settling into the new transition as well.
Love to you all
Amanda x
Hi Shells,
You and Dan are amazing.You are both such insperational people.God will use you both. I love that you are real with people. God bless x
Thanks guys for your comments & encouragement!
Its great to know that people actually do read what I write, because I want to encourage, inspire and support others in being honest. so I hope I can do this :)
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