Monday, May 30, 2011


outside my window...
the lemon tree took a battering last night and the ground is wet from so much rain
i am thinking...
about blogging and the pro's and con's....more thoughts to come later.
i am thankful for...
a joyful experience of being pregnant
what i am learning...
to take one day at a time, trusting in Him always
i am creating...
still trying to get through the pile of unfinished items!
i am going...
away this weekend with hubby to where we spent the night on our first night as a married couple
i am hearing...
peace and quiet with the occasional bird
i am reading...
some interesting stuff lately - surprisingly cos I'm not much of a reader
i am hoping...
that my baby comes on time - not early & not late, just on time
around the house...
I love wearing my trackies, uggies and a big jumper - the most comfiest outfit atm, if only I could wear it out!!
one of my favourite things...
being able to take the day as it comes - napping as needed and just keeping off my feet
a few plans for the week...
napping, napping & napping, plus small group with some beautiful friends, hanging with my lil sister on Wednesday and a few other things chucked in there.
a snapshot of my life...
 hot air balloons early one freezing morning whilst in Melbourne

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