Well.....firstly a few creations for you lil eyes to look at....
A little Thankyou note I made for the people who so generoulsy made food for our Christmas in July feast :)

Buttons Earrings - Made from Vintage buttons, attached to silver studs.
There seems to be a lot going on lately in my little mind, its crazy cos I think sooo much, and it gets me wound up, sometimes upset, sometimes frustrated, vary rarely satisfied. But I've being trying to put all these thoughts into actions.
Mainly my thoughts are creative related, ideas to create, thoughts of quitting work and just creating all day long, ways to get my stuff out there, ways to have more time to do this.
But tonight I had a guest, and his name is Dan, he is one of the founders of ThankyouWater, and at just 20 he has such a passion for this. I sat for a couple of hours tonight over dinner listening to him speak of how it started, how they got it out there, how its going, how they had no money, but just stepped out in faith and God provided the money for it to develop, God made ways for them to get it out there. Dan said he had read a few business books and he remembers reading a phrase which said something like 'don't worry about the money, it will happen' ( i wish i remembered the exact wording cos it sounded so much better than that!) but in a nutshell, if you wait for money, you will never get your dream, just step out in faith and believe that you can do it. For me its believing that God has given me this passion, this dream, this creativity to use for Him. I don't exactly know what it looks like or where I will end up, but for now I will just keep creating, keep pursuing, keep listening and keep praying.
This may not makes sense, cos again I have all these thoughts going through my mind and they are all trying to rush out into this lil blog. I hope it does make some kinda sense?!
The bottom line - I wanna wake up every morning, knowing that I am going to do what I enjoy, and I will go to bed each night, knowing that I have lived that day doing what I love, that if I don't wake up in the morning I have tried my best to be who God wants me to be, I have used what He has given me, and I have reached out to others to be that smiling face, or friend to talk to. I don't want to live another day just plodding along, making money that means nothing. I want a purposed filled life!!
But I need your help!
If you are a friend, or even if your not will you keep me accountable?!
Will you challenge me to be the best person I can be?!
Hi Shella,
Have you checked out the 100 day action plan? I keep stumbling but I am persevering :)
You can find some of us girls from Made on the Left at
If you aren't there already! Enjoy reading your blog xxxx
Jacquie of Delight Society started it up of her own accord and a few of us since decided to do our own.
This is a link to my posts - I had decided on so many things and then .... had to scale back and be realistic.
Basically, I spent a few days writing down the things I wanted to do - then posted it, and followed up weekly with updates. Bloody hard to be accountable to others wathcing your progress! But in many ways, great to know that people ar genuinely interested and supportive of what you do.
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